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The Dog Days of Summer – Cool Roofs

The Dog Days of Summer, blog cover

The phrase Dog Days of Summer describes the most oppressive period of summer, between July 3rd and August 11th each year.  It is HOT out there.  Stay safe, stay hydrated.

Black roofs heat up just like black asphalt and a black t-shirt in the summer. The combination of the hot sun and the dark colored roofs are sure to make your AC run overtime.

There is a solution. Have you heard the term “Cool Roof” before?  All Weather Systems specializes in installing white roofs.

Let’s get just a little technical. Solar Reflectance Index (SRI) a measure of the constructed surface’s ability to stay cool in the sun by reflecting solar radiation and emitting thermal radiation.

OK, what does that mean?

It’s a basic measure of how hot a hot roof stays and how cool a cool roof stays under the heat of the sun. The HIGHER the rating, the better.

Our Cool Roof rates at 108

A Black Rubber Roof rates at -1

The Cool Roof membrane has the innate ability to reflect the sun’s rays and release the heat.
Call today to learn more about our Cool Roof system!  (740) 323-3174