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Rooftop Safety & How We Can Help

    Rooftop Safety isn't Optional, Blog Cover


    Rooftop Safety & How We Can Help

    Here are a few tidbits of information we came across, along with links to learn more about this important matter of safety.

    “Building owners, as contractual employers, must maintain their buildings in a safe condition to protect not only their own staff but contractors as well.”

    From 2017-2018 the top OSHA citation was for inadequate Fall Protection. Additionally, falling is the number one cause of death for construction workers.

    “It may come as a surprise that the third leading cause of unintentional injury-related death is falls. In 2016, 34,673 people died in falls at home and at work, according to Injury Facts®, and for working adults, depending on the industry, falls can be the leading cause of death.”

    “Falls are 100% Preventable – Whether working from a ladder, roof or scaffolding, it’s important to plan ahead, assess the risk and use the right equipment.”

    “Preventing workers from falling off roofs, scaffolds, ladders and other elevated surfaces should be simple. Public information about fall hazards is widely available, and so is equipment and training. Safety regulations are effective when followed.”

    “On-The-Job Falling Deaths Are Increasing At Alarming Rates – Job-Related Falls Should Be Easy to Prevent, But Workers Are Dying in Record Numbers”

    “Preventing workers from falling off roofs, scaffolds, ladders and other elevated surfaces should be simple. Public information about fall hazards is widely available, and so is equipment and training. Safety regulations are effective when followed.”

    Read more:


    Unfortunately, we could keep going, the articles and statistics are endless.  All Weather Systems, Inc. offers a wide range of products to make your rooftops safer.

    • Guardrail Systems
    • Fall Arrest Anchors
    • Ladder Support Brackets
    • Ladder Safety Systems
    • Warning Line Systems
    • Skylight Safety Screens
    • Roof Hatch Safety Rails
    • Rooftop Walkway Pads

    Not sure where to start? Give us a call ASAP. We’ll walk the roof with you and develop a plan.  (740) 323-3174