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How to choose between quotes.


    Your building needs a new roof, so you reach out to a few local contractors. Each contractor comes out, performs and inspection and submits their proposals. 

    Each proposal is completely different than the next. Now what? This predicament happens often. How do you choose?

    Make sure each proposal contains all the ‘basic’ information. If the information is missing, question why.

    Does it include:

    • A thorough explanation of the work to be done?
    • The square footage of the project?
    • Approximate start date?
    • What type of roof will be installed?
    • Which if any materials will be reused? 
    • If there will be any disruption to your business?
    • How long has each contractor been in operation?
    • Are they properly insured?
    • What exactly does the warranty cover?
    • Does it void for ponded water?
    • Does it include consequential damages?

    As you comb through each project, make a note of the differences. Ask the contractors to further explain the details as needed. 

    Check reviews, check references, as your fellow building owners. And… READ the warranty. Does it include consequential damages? If water ponds on the roof, are you required to notify the manufacturer? 

    It’s an important decision, no doubt. We have worked very hard over the past several decades to earn the respect and the trust of our community. Reach out to us today. (740) 323-3174