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Unlocking Savings: How TIPS Benefits Schools and Nonprofits in Licking County

    At All Weather Systems, we’re a firm believer in giving back to the Licking County community that has supported us for years. We understand the unique challenges faced by public entities, schools and nonprofits, particularly when it comes to stretching every dollar.  


    That’s why we’re excited to share information about a valuable resource: The Interlocal Purchasing System (TIPS). TIPS is a nationwide program specifically designed to streamline the procurement process for public entities and nonprofits. This innovative system works by pooling the buying power of its members, allowing them to leverage pre-negotiated contracts with a wide range of vendors. The result? Significant cost savings and a more efficient use of valuable time and staff resources – a true win-win for Licking County nonprofits and public entities.


    What is TIPS?

    TIPS, or The Interlocal Purchasing System, is a game-changer for public entities and nonprofits seeking to streamline procurement and maximize their budgets.  Think about the countless hours Licking County nonprofits typically dedicate to soliciting bids, comparing quotes, and negotiating contracts with vendors for everything from office supplies to IT services – something which often takes too much of their resources away from meeting their core mission. TIPS aims to change all that.


    Here’s where TIPS steps in: It offers a pre-approved network of vendors with pre-negotiated contracts, eliminating the need for Licking County nonprofits to navigate the complexities of individual procurement. By tapping into the collective purchasing power of its diverse membership base, TIPS secures substantial discounts across an extensive array of goods and services. Licking County nonprofits benefit from significant cost savings through TIPS contracts, which translates to greater budget flexibility and additional resources being dedicated towards fulfilling their missions in the community. Furthermore, TIPS contracts act like cheat sheets for navigating complex procurement rules – no more worrying about compliance – leaving more time and energy for fulfilling what really matters: fulfilling your mission!


    TIPS provides Licking County public entities and nonprofits with a powerful toolbox for procurement, cost reduction, regulatory compliance and time savings that allow organizations to focus their energies on fulfilling their missions of serving communities, educating students or providing essential services.


    Are You Looking to Explore the Advantages of TIPS? Visit TIPS-USA’s website today and explore their membership and selection of pre-negotiated contracts! At All Weather Systems, we’re strong advocates for TIPS and its positive impact on Licking County. As a proud member of the community, we’re committed to supporting organizations that make a difference. Give us a call today, and let’s work together to build a stronger Licking County!